I’ve found the eco-friendly makeup brand for me! – By Juliet from The Great Eco Journey

I want to sing it from the treetops (but I’m not a great climber or [...]

9 reasons to choose Bonk Lube as your long term sexual partner

Let’s get the show on the road – with organic Bonk Lube We’re broaching a [...]

A lady’s guide to mastering the menstrual cup with style

We bet you’ve got that trendy friend who has been using menstrual cups for ages. [...]


My top 5 favourite products for September 2017!

We stock over 90 amazing natural skincare and beauty brands now, so if you are [...]


Flash your smashing lashes – with safe, non-toxic, natural mascaras!

You know how you can feel fully clothed in a bikini despite being 95% naked? [...]

BON Organic Cotton Tampons and Why They Pose Less Risk to your Body

Have you ever been given medicine in suppository form? If so, then perhaps you already [...]

Charcoal Goodness

Why is everyone talking about the benefits of activated charcoal? Activated charcoal is incredibly porous [...]

Cruelty Free Beauty

Beauty that isn’t cruelty free, isn’t beautiful; it’s ugly! A beauty industry based on the [...]

Natural Lipstick

What nasties are hiding in your lipstick? We began questioning the safety of lipstick brands [...]

Nightly Skincare

Give your skin a nightly boost for luminous natural beauty A winning facial routine is [...]

Natural Oral Care & Tooth Whiteners

Enjoy a naturally clean, shiny smile – without toxins! Regardless of what physical features you [...]

Natural period care – Mooncups, organic tampons & pads

It’s a wonderful time to be a woman! After decades of tampons and pads which [...]