Showing all 9 results

Original price was: $7.65.Current price is: $6.89.

Gifts For Her

Rethink Reusable Bulk Bin Bags Large – 3 Pack

Original price was: $10.50.Current price is: $8.40.
Original price was: $6.65.Current price is: $5.65.
Original price was: $9.50.Current price is: $8.07.
Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $13.60.

Posts found

10 Ways reusable Eco Bags trump plastic bags

Every time you use an Eco Saint bag, you save on petroleum extraction, energy for mass production, [...]

50 Ways to Reduce your Waste – from Juliet at The Great Eco Journey

Whether you are just starting out, or are already well on your waste-less way, here [...]

What is Slow Travel and how to do it – from Juliet at The Great Eco Journey

Will 2022 be the year that we can start travelling internationally again? Visiting loved ones [...]

The Great Eco Journey + Plastic-Free July – Why it is not about actually going plastic-free

Written By Juliet Dale from The Great Eco Journey For me, it all started with [...]

How to encourage others to be Eco Warriors without being a bit… well..annoying!

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re a bit of (or a lot of) an [...]

Your Guide to Sustainable Spring Cleaning

Sustainable Spring Cleaning Essentials


Plastic free living – 7 ways to ditch plastic now

Will you join the Plastic Free July challenge this year, and help spread the word? If [...]

Is an eco-friendly supermarket shop really possible?

The lovely Juliet Dale from The Great Eco Challenge shares some thoughts with us…  The [...]

The One Bin Challenge – From Juliet at The Great Eco Journey

How long do you think it would take you to fill a wheelie bin with [...]

5 easy ways to enjoy an eco-friendly Christmas

There’s no doubt that Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but sadly our annual [...]

Why reusables are the future

Let’s be honest, single use items are so last year; reusables are in. I’m talking [...]