3 ways to begin cooking up a sustainable kitchen from Ethically Kate

I’ve just spent the last two days in my kitchen. I’ve made food, removed labels [...]

Sayonara plastic razors… We love reusable safety razors

Not only are they better for your skin - it’s estimated that TWO BILLION razors [...]

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How to use a menstrual cup without freaking out!

I feel robbed that no one told me about menstrual cups from the very day [...]


Waste Free but still Fun Packed Kids Parties

Children's birthday parties have become a plastic-fest of monstrous proportions. Parents who were once grateful [...]

What Are Microbeads And Why Do We Boycott Them?

There’s plastic on our supermarket shelves, and plastic in your pantry. But I bet you [...]

How to have sex and please the planet too

By Kate Hall @ethicallykate You’ve heard of eco-friendly makeup, skincare products, and clothing, but have [...]

Is an eco-friendly supermarket shop really possible?

The lovely Juliet Dale from The Great Eco Challenge shares some thoughts with us…  The [...]

Living Lighter on the earth with Oh Natural – Good Magazine

Good Magazine filmed the gorgeous Alysha Brown from Eco Saint explaining some of our favourite [...]

7 ways to create a more waste-free life

We are constantly delighted at how many of our wonderful clients are working to use [...]

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