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Caliwoods Eco

Caliwoods Razor Travel Bag


Caliwoods Eco

Caliwoods Long-handled Silver Razor


Caliwoods Eco

Caliwoods Shaving Soap


Posts found

Sayonara plastic razors… We love reusable safety razors

Not only are they better for your skin - it’s estimated that TWO BILLION razors [...]

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Easy Home Swaps for a Sustainable Life

We’ve seen a massive shift towards a more environmentally conscious society in the past few [...]

50 Ways to Reduce your Waste – from Juliet at The Great Eco Journey

Whether you are just starting out, or are already well on your waste-less way, here [...]

The Great Eco Journey + Plastic-Free July – Why it is not about actually going plastic-free

Written By Juliet Dale from The Great Eco Journey For me, it all started with [...]

Ethically Kate- How To Have Productive Conversations About Sustainable Beauty With Newbies

You’re passionate about your gorgeous sustainable makeup cabinet. You know what is helpful and what [...]

Kate’s Picks for a Minimalist Life

For the last few years I’ve been on a minimalism journey (I’m not perfect, like [...]

An Easy Guide To Sustainable Christmas Shopping In New Zealand

Christmas is coming, but unfortunately a complete list of exactly what to buy for each [...]

Why you Should Choose to Reuse

Let’s be honest, single use items are so last year; reusables are in. We’re talking [...]

Why reusables are the future

Let’s be honest, single use items are so last year; reusables are in. I’m talking [...]


5 Products to Kickstart your Natural Beauty Routine

New year, new goals, new me. Happy New Year! January is the time to set [...]